Understanding User Roles When Contacting CloudHawk Support

Learn how we protect the privacy and security of your account and how user roles affect what CloudHawk Support can do for users in your account.

When creating or modifying user profiles in your account, you will need to select a role for the user which affects the permissions they have within the CloudHawk Portal. This role also determines the specific types of requests that CloudHawk can provide assistance with in your account. This helps to ensure that only authorized users can perform certain activities, especially those with potential financial or privacy impacts to your business.

Admin Role

Users with the admin role have full control over the account. They can create and modify all other users, including other Admins. They can also receive full support from CloudHawk, including placing new orders, modifying account details, etc.

All Other Roles (Pro, Guest, Installer, Custom Roles, etc.)

Users with any role other than Admin are restricted from performing certain requests such as placing orders or modifying important account details. CloudHawk Support can still assist any user in the account with troubleshooting and other support requests, including warranty replacements.

To protect the privacy and security of your CloudHawk account, our team will only discuss specific details about trackers/assets that the user has access to within the portal. Our team will also keep secret all account information unavailable to the user in the portal. For example, we will not reveal an Admin user's name, email address, or any other information to a non-Admin user.

If a non-Admin user submits a request to CloudHawk Support that they are not authorized to complete, we will ask the user to have an Admin make the request instead. To protect the privacy of all other users in your account, we will not disclose who the Admin(s) are, so it's important that users who will need to perform admin activities are given the Admin role.

Everyone Else

We will never knowingly discuss your account, your users, your trackers, or any other personally identifiable information about your or your business with someone who is not authorized in your account. For example, if we receive a request from an email address that does not have an associated user profile in your account, we will not action the request and will ask the user to contact us from an authorized email address. For this reason, we strongly recommend creating user accounts for each individual within your organization and avoid using role-based email accounts such as safety@company.com to login to the CloudHawk system. This helps safeguard your account against unauthorized access and ensures a smooth support experience.